it occurs to me that when chris logan speaks of canadian bands doing 
tired remakes of already dead genres from the 70s and 80s, he forgets to 
mention the fact that his band is a third rate gloom rock band nestled 
firmly at the teet of all things '82.  In terms of rehashing what's been 
done, coyote do amout as much to help originate or further styles and 
genres with their birthday party/cult/bauhaus worshipas the monoxides do 
with their ridiculous stadium rock "ha-ha rock is kitchyfunnycutesy" 
schtick.  the main difference is that at least the monoxides have a sense 
of humour about what they are doing, whereas coyote (or at least chris - 
from what he writes) seem to see themselves as outside of this group and 
wholly original.  this is bullshit.  this kind of whining serves no 
purpose other than to further chris' own perception of himself as 
tortured artist and social critic who can't find acceptance within his 
peers.  maybe he should give up being a grumpy old fart and try to 
contribute something to the scene, as opposed to whining about it, but i 
suppose if he stopped whining he would actually have to DO something 
constructive, and what fun is that.
don't take this as a dis to coyote or the monoxides - they are both really 
good at their respective styles - it's just that they aren'texactly 
breaking new ground.  

this town needs to develop a sense of community that is sorely lacking.  
everyone here needs to star communicating a little better and trying to 
help each other out. maybe if we all stopped ripping each other apart 
behind each others backs and actually concentrated on keeping this scene 
alive and vibrant and growing things could be fun again.

I heard that both sloan and jale refused to take any money from the popx 
due to their recent financial troubles, and for this they should  
be applauded.  


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