
after 16 hours on the road, we were all a bit stinky and tired, but we
arrived at Jim Coopers house just before the big  sloannet shindig.  The
Nerdy Gang, which included Gabe, Ron and Kim ( the other nerdy girls), Kevin
Komoda (of Pest 5000 and derivative fame) and Pat Hamou (Derivative Records),
went out for some fish and chips and then headed back to the party.  It was
so fun!!!  Cool to put names to faces.  A bunch of people played some songs
(including me) and it was all super.   I Liked that "Don't hate me because I
am mean to you, hate me because I am not good to you".  Then everyone went
out to the big rock show.  Got to hang out with all the super halifax people 
musicians and non musicians.  We played on Friday and it was alot of fun. 
The Fastbacks were very cool.  Next year I hope I can play a night show too. 
That night we dirty danced after the fastbacks.  I missed the sunday night
show because we had to leave so Gabe could go to school.  I wanted to see the

The Fastbacks
Eric's Trip
Pansy Divsion

 It was all a lot of fun and thanks to Jim and everyone who I met out there.

cecil seaskull

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