He just played a free noontime show at the U of S, and I just feel 
compelled to write about it, I've never been this moved by anything I've 
seen live before.  He was kind of squished into a corner by a triangular 
staircase thing, and so the forty or fifty people watching him were 
spread out in a v-shape around the staircase.  He played just about 
everything from 'In September' and 'Gouge Away' from the single, and 
every single song was an epic classic, he screamed and shouted the fast 
one and whispered the slow ones, missing notes and forgetting lyrics 
because he was so tired, which of course just added to the feeling of 
intimacy.  There was about 200 med. students who were talking quite a bit 
around our little group at the start of the show, but by the time he was 
done they had all left for class, so there was this awed silence in the 
dead quiet lounge when he finally left.  I've never felt anything like it, 
it was like waking up from a dream when he stopped playing.  Wow.

'I won't sell you a bun, you bastard!' - Iron Monkey
Mike Winter | [EMAIL PROTECTED]                         

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