ok, i think i've used that subject line before.
oh well.  a little pink floyd reference for all
you space needle fans.  all the young dudes.
get it on.  bang a gong.  when you rock and roll
with me, there's nowhere i'd rather be.

anyways, the point of this post is to talk about
last night's performance at the nscad cafeteria.
yes, the same cafeteria soon to be renamed the
"sonic youth memorial cafeteria".  or not.  

last night emily vey duke opened for laura
borealis (and cohort rebecca K).  emily played
a really terrific set, and i couldn't help
wishing that there were more people there to
see it.  the weirdest thing -- a bunch of 
people ran up front to sit on the floor
right in front of emily (for those of you
unfamiliar with the cafeteria, the tables
are way way way back from the stage to give
room for dancing) and then during the set
started talking loudly.  what a drag,
trying to listen to a solo set with these
people yammering on.  it was the halloween
dance night and people were in a party mood
and probably not psyched to sit and listen
to quiet sad songs.  you gotta wonder about
people's attention span, though -- i mean,
emily writes *short* songs and does *short*
sets so you'd think people could be a
little more patient.  especially when the
songs are so good.  emily did some of the
songs from her tape and three others, new
ones.  i liked the one about edmunston NB.
with laura looking on, emily elected not
to play "90 lb junkie" (that's the song
that mentions laura!).  

this was the first time i've seen laura
perform without a band.  last time i saw
her she was playing with crappo 2.  this
time she did the first half of her set
with friend rebecca kratz.  she told us,
"when i play with rebecca, we're called
'krapz', see, our names kinda go together..."

the krapz songs were rebecca's words set
to music by laura, and they sang them
together.  it was kind of weird watching
them in their blond wigs and long dresses
singing these really bizarre songs -- like
a scene from twin peaks or something.
rebecca K could be laura palmer.  laura (B)
did a bunch of songs by herself about this
one guy.  :-)  then she did a couple others,
including that "gi joe" song.  

but like i said earlier, hardly anyone was
into it.  they were all just waiting to 
dance, it seemed.  so here's these singers,
doing these songs that they have a real
emotional stake in, and which they are
really brave to get up and sing by 
themselves, and hardly anyone clues into
that.  i guess i would like to see this
kind of a show at a different venue.
people were so quiet at snailhouse and
broken girl @ wormwood's during the pop
explosion.  maybe there needs to be some
sort of regular venue for solo shows.
is there an audience for it?  the pop
explosion shows made me think there 
might be.  this could be something worth


     _James R. Covey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>_    sloan net is a discussion of the
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