On Mon, 30 Oct 1995, Mark Kenneth Mullane wrote:

> I wish someone with some clue to what is happening, would help Mike
> Campbell out on this one. Later, Mark

Ok, here's how YOU can help clue him in.
That's his number, call him and tell what's going down in your scene that 
he should be paying attention to. 
DON'T phone him up and yell your ass off at his machine telling him how 
stunned he is. Phone him and just let him know everytime you rfavourite 
band is doing something and keep him informed. If you leave enough 
information on a consistent basis, hew will probably come and do 
something when the time and band gives him enough reasons to. He's not 
just going to show up and cover all the local bands from the ground up. 
He is broadcasting nationally and therefore has responsibilty to 
represent bands that will have some interest on a national level, whether 
it be because they just released an album nationally, made an independent 
video, organized a festival, came up with a cool PR stunt or because the 
general viewership requests the information a certain band. 
That said, I am not a big fan of Mike or of Much East, but once we got 
him to come to Newfoundland he was quite receptive to our requests for 
interviews slots and gig coverage, and I was quite happy with what went 
to air even though everybody else in my band got named except me (I guess 
that's what happens when you tell them your name is Smug Bastard). But 
the fact is, it took him 2 fucking years to get here. How can you do an 
Eastern Canadian Music show and not go to one of the 4 provinces for 2 
fucking years. Now I fax him every press release I can get my hands on, 
gigs, record launches, updates on the scene, and anything I can get 
around to sending. Come to think of it I think I'll send one tomorrow and 
try and get him here for New Years Eve when Potmaster, Bung and Lizband 
play at the LSPU HALL.


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