being the lameass losers we were, four of us were sitting at roderick's 
spacing out and missing bad luck #13. luckily (HAHA!!) we got to birdland 
for nerdy girl's set only four songs into it. this was the all ages show 
on friday, by the way.

the performance was one of the best. if it wasn't for the fact rebecca 
west played later that night, i'd say it was the highlight of the day. 
cecil's on stage performance is somewhat reminiscent of mary margaret 
o'hara but she isn't quite as spastic, she's just very involved in her 
music. she's quite diminutive but the energy she expresses could fill a 
room. nerdy girl as a four piece seems to work.

it was nice to see jimcee happy for once. wow, if nerdy girl's music can 
make grumpy old man cooper :) smile, imagine what they can do for you. i 
hope you'll all pick up their 10'' and 7'' and keep on supporting this 
special little group. 

next up...the Fastbacks. yeeehaw!!! a truly energetic performance from 
this part cuddlecore part garage rock part mexican jumping bean (kurt 
bloch) group. i nearly fell over laughing at kurt's hyperactivity. i was 
watching my videotape of this performance a few days ago and i have no 
idea how i managed to get him in focus once. good songs, good stage 
presence, good show. go see them if you get the chance. :)

we sauntered over towards the oasis for the no-cases but not before we 
made a stop at the dairy queen and subway (where i had the misfortune of 
eating the world's worst sub EVER). while hanging around outside the 
oasis, rod and i stopped to talk to waye mason. i grilled him on video 
right then and there. i asked him the tough questions, i pulled no 
punches. "so waye, do you try to use every opportunity possible to use 
the word `no'?" "um...not really?" very hard hitting stuff. anyway, he 
explained why everyone had to pay a cover charge even if they were 
important media folk such as myself. ha ha ha... he flashed his fancy 
laminated No pass. woooo!

first up, coyote. not as good as their show the night before but still 
sweaty and mmmm oh so fun. the best part of all was when their drummer 
(um, patrick? tim? i dunno...) knocked over his cymbal and hit his stick 
so hard on the drum it went flying up and nearly hit him in the head. 
ooh, tough guy act! normally i hate macho rock (ha ha...) but i had to 
smile at this. they CAN'T take themselves *that* seriously, can they? 
anyway, the songs are pretty cool live.

next up, cool blue halo. hmmmm, i seem to have missed this performance as 
i was down at the waterfront watching roderick flash ducks (yes, really, 
ask him about it sometime....). you think he's mild mannered and oh so 
shy but it's really a coy act. anyway.

we got back up to the oasis in time to catch the last half of those local 
losers, the state champs. mmm, good show, chaps! :) they played their 
newer (new meaning from this summer i guess) songs, which i enjoyed. the 
best part of all is watching jon dacey. he sort of wanks away in a sort 
of bored way, it's very comical. he will probably take offense at this, 
but it's ok. you have to see it to know what i mean. he is going rock 
star with his hands and guitar but his face is like "man....this 
sucks....blahblahblah....". nonetheless, he delivers. the first time i 
ever heard mark mullane sing (way back in february? march??) i thought 
"man, they gotta get a new singer" (raleigh sport) cause i just didn't 
know what that whole style was all about. clueless, thats me. needless to 
say, it's grown on me, quite a lot. the performance that night was 
absolutely charming in my opinion. he seems happiest and most at ease 
when he's up there playing and singing. mike catano needs a haircut. for 
that matter, jon DIDN'T need one. :) oh, i'm not being fair, i'm judging 
them by their physical appearances again. oh well. buy their record, buy 
their tape, go see them play live. 

we left the oasis to arrive at birdland just in time to meet a bunch of 
DRUNK morons (wow, how rare, drunk morons at birdland...) at the door 
shouting "what?? twelve bucks? to see rebecca who? what???? fuck man 
we're going to the palace!!!!" 

thank god.

i walked into the bar as they began a haunting slow(er) version of "good 
advice" - that set the vibe for the whole show. intense, moody, 
innovative, passionate....i can't tell you all enough how amazing they 
are live, at least when i've seen them. this performance was absolutely 
breath taking. they played several new songs, all of which impressed me, 
in addition to playing tracks from _burners on_ such as "7 days" "breeze" 
and "sick". lukas' bass playing was fucking insane!!!! he's a sight to 
see, man. allison, as always, blew me away with the amount of power she 
seems to play with. definitely the best part of the day, and depending on 
my mood, the best birdland show of the whole event (when i temporarily 
forget the first thrush hermit show...).

i guess i must have been really tired or something because i think i left 
after rebecca west. i missed the fastbacks second show and i don't think 
i saw space needle. at least i don't remember seeing them. unless they 
were that total feedbacky art rocky white noisy thing that shawn duggan 
yelled at me for not paying attention to. wait, yes, that WAS space 
needle because we left during their set. sorry, kids. no like-a the space 
needle, to bastardize a wagbeard saying.

oh sweet sweet bliss, sleep. :)

"A lot of people think Matt's Kato Kaelin."
                     - Drew Yamada, the Super Friendz

***CJSW 90.9 fm -->***

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