yay, i just finished delivering four billion copies of exclaim all over 
freezing cold snowy calgary and finally got a chance to read it for myself.
well i'm just so darn proud of those state champs, i'm gonna post the 
review for all to see. who cares if its self serving. i gotta eat somehow...

"it's funny how sometimes it bothers me when a band sounds pretty damn 
close to another band, but other times it doesn't bug me at all. With 
Pavement clones, I never seem to mind. Maybe it's because Pavement mixes 
many interesting elements into their sound, so you would have to sound 
pretty interesting to remind me of them. Of course, tribute bands always 
suck, Van Wailin' anyone? Anyhow, file this band under "heavy Pavement 
Influence" along with Spool, Butterglory, Sammy, and their ilk. This 7'' 
is the debut release on Daydream Records, a lo-fi friendly Halifax thang. 
_Nevada Downs_ is a good release. Nary a dud to be found. Three cheers 
for the State Champs.       - Scott Ingram"


for a second there, i thought they were gonna get trashed....

tara with newsprint all over her fingers

ps/ could someone with discorder please email me the state champs review 
from last month OR send me directions to discorder online? thanks muchly. 
my label mates are HOGGING the review sent to US all them themselves. 
jerks. :)

"...when we first started, Ian, Rob and I, our first band was called 
Nabisco Fonzi."           - Joel Plaskett

***CJSW 90.9 fm --> http://www.ucalgary.ca/~cjswfm***

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