hidee hoe, neighbours, :)

Ottawa was sure kickin this weekend. :) On top of the usual weekend
punk-out shows occuring in the nation's capital, we were visited by some
extra special bands. :) and i don't mean the ripcordz. ;)
On saturday, the superfriendz and al tuck and no action swung by our luvly
city. Of course, it was a bar show, so jayson and i had to make do with
watching the soundcheck through the window of the door, which we kept ajar so
that the music could be heard. And what a soundcheck it was! :) We heard
_Karate Man_, _When They Pay(Paid) Me_ and _Up and Running_. We probably
missed some other kool toons at the start, but that's ok. as long as they
played _up and running_ wooh! that is my favourite superfriendz song. i
get chills.
        we didn't see al's check; i guess we missed it. :( :( but we met
lonnie, the new friend. :)he's wicked. :) i can't beleive he's only been
playing with them since tuesday. wow. :)
on sunday, the Pit became a freakin madhouse party! :) 3 local bands and
the mighty LEN! :) yay, len! they drove all the way down from toronto to
play the show and they rawked the house down. :)
        Purifica was the first band up. They are a 5 piece from out here in a
suburb of ottawa known as orleans "city of excitement". :) Jody has the best
voice; she sings really beautifully. Their songs (they played 4 - short but
sweet!) were just the right mix of poppiness and moodiness. sonic youthish
guitar at times, with our own jeremy gara on drrrrrums, kickin it out! :)
        Next was Son of Flynn. 4 rawk outs who attend my school. :)real
loud and dark and powerful, very guitar-oriented mood-rawk. They sure love
flangers. :) they played their big hit, _Roof It_ as well as the usual
assortment of spacey tunes, with the addition of a new *almost* pop/punk
one in which mike, the BEST drummer ever, sings! :) maniacs that drive the
girls wild. :)
        Next up unfortunately was us. :) hitchiked played the usual pop
tunes with too many covers, not enough sleep and too much sugar. we forgot
how to play every song it seems. and we BRUTALIZED (and i mean killed!)
the La's _There She Goes_. :) but it was all in fun and at least i got to
drum on some tunes. Janet is the next broken girl. :) 
        Finally, LEN! :) wheeee!! :) :) i was so excited to see them! :)
they were incredible. tonnes of energy and wackiness. they played
_Superfly_ , _My Damn Itch_ , and  _Slacker_, all from their wonderful and
diverse CD _Superstar_, which you should seriously look into buying if you
dont already own it. The highlight of the show for me, though, was the
Laverne & Shirley theme song!! :) :) hooray! :) :) I've never heard it
done better. :)
 so that was my weekend. i took the day of school today. wooh. too much, g.

thanks len for playing! :) sorry for the length of this message, kids.:)

i'm out like 80's music! ;)

tara :)

"The smile that you send out...
   returns to you." :)
-Indian Wisdom

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