Hello i just read 1 1/2 hrs worth of mail has anyone heard of a SHORT
MESSAGE lately? like all this bickering that takes place over the list
isn't there another place for it? anyways i will write some updates on

Novacain (my band si tu te souviens) is playing its first non school gig
at terminal 2, 116 Kennedy Rd in brampton November 12 if u happen to be
in the area.. uh 5 bucks starts at 7 i think.*
RUMORS: If a band here called drowning jones can get radioblaster here
than we will be playing too! that would be superkeen
JUICY RUMOR: Ok this is probably not going to happen but there is a
slight slight slight chance that we may be playing the all ages with
Erics Trip in toronto on Nov. 18. that would be freaky.
*Oops i forgot to mention up there that it is the Drowning Jones tape
release party, Cadmus and maybe Sundowner are playing too quick review:
Drowning Jones - very garage band but i dunno they're neet
Cadmus - all girl band they are pretty good
Sundowner - no idea
Novacain - VERY GOOD, catchy hooky pop songs with syrupy-sweet vocals
all topped off with rich, creamery butter! (sorry couldn't resist.)

wow here i am bitching about long messages and this goes more than a
page hmmmm oh well

You know what i've gotten into but now i'm kinda gettting out off but it
has rubbed off on some poeple in my school, using the prefix SUPER
like, put that in front of anything and you have a really neat word but
it sounds the bets in front of a noun that you don't expect it with like
uh.... Superplate! heheheh well i don't know.

Does anyone who actually read this far think that The Novacain would be
better than Novacain? BTW i named my 4-track recorder Superglasses,
thats the name of one of our songs too. kooly eh. well. thats it for



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