Last night I had the opportunity to see Superfriendz play at the Rev in 
Edmonton.  I've only seen them once before- in August.  They were 
incredible again!!!  
Al Tuck opened the show- I'd never even heard anything by him before.  He 
was pretty good, but it didn't really suit the atmosphere.  Barely anyone 
was listening to them.  I like the bluesy kind od sound of some of the 
Gandahrvas were the second band.  Lots of 18-year olds were bopping 
around for them, but my friends and I thought that all of their songs 
sounded the same.  It was catchy at the beginning, but after a while it 
just kept dragging on and on....  I don't know, maybe I was just 
anticipating the Superfriendz too much.
Superfriendz were great- total energy.  My friend Carolyn thought that 
they weren't as energetic as the previous two times that she had saw 
them.  They're probably tired.  But I couldn't notice a lack of energy.  
The drummer- I don't know (Lonnie or something) seemed a little bit shaky 
in some parts.  There was a big burst of energy from the crowd near the 
end of the show, when they finished off with 10 lbs, Rescue us from 
boredom, and their theme song.  They came on for a well deserved encore.  
What an awesome show.
The best part about the Superfriendz is that they are such nice guys.  
When the opening bands are playing, they actually walk around and mingle 
with the crowd.  Most bands ignore their fans.  Drew was chatting up a 
storm with my friends, but of course, I clam up and don't say a word.  
What an idiot I am.
They are playing another show here on Saturday - it's an all-ages show, 
but I may go anyway!!  I have never been to an all ages show in Edmonton, 
so I don't know what to expect.
well, that's all for now.



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