issue #5 of gordon isnor's zine _left hip_ 
is now available!  i got my hands on a copy 
about a week and half ago now, and it's 
really excellent.  highlights of this one
(in addition to the poster problem piece):

- al tuck in conversation about his new band,
  growing up in pei, and ghost stories.
- a new one-page comic by mista jon dacey.
- the latest poop on the halifax scene, 
  including the struggle for decent venues.
- opinions on the pop explosion & zines & music.
- pool swingas! photo and text spread.
- lots more.

my advice is -- buy it!
24 pps, $2 postpaid from gordon isnor
(issue #4 still available, also $2)
2120 newton ave hfx ns b3l 3b9

apparently there will be a compilation 
cassette with issue #6, stay tuned kidz...


     _James R. Covey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>_    sloan net is a discussion of the
 ___| | ___   __ _ _ __      _ __   ___| |_  halifax / east coast music scene
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