On Sat, 11 Nov 1995, Large Hearted Boy wrote:

> oh mon dieu,
> guys from the Nils playing for Al Tuck and SF ???????   yikes...that's 
> awesome...I thought I was the only one who knew the Nils...the best band 
> in the world...after the Replacements and GbV ? I didn't really recognize 
> them though...hmmm...what's the guitarrist's name ? it's not one of the 
> brothers, is it ? is it ???

henri sangalang (ex-bass player from kearnry lk. rd.)  told me this story 
about when klr opened for the nils many years ago.  he said that they 
were a bunch of scary coke-heads who locked klr out of the dressing 
room and said that when he met the bass player this is how it went:
        "you have a nice bass," which is true, henri does have a nice bass.
        "i stole my bass from the last band that opened up for us.  i 
like yours more."
nice guys, eh?


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