OK, Here's the scoop on Postering in St.John's and some info on how it is 
similar to Halifax. 
The city of St.John's attempted to outlaw postering on Telephone poles in 
the downtown area about 3 years ago. They put up about 10 event boards 
for public postering around downtown. These boards are too small to hold 
all the posters for one weeks worth of events, let alone be large enough 
to let people do any real advance postering. The bords are about 24"x40".

Obviously, some of us don't htink the boards are any good any continue to 
poster on Telphone poles around the downtown area. The city doesn't 
bother us about it anymore. They used to send nasty letters to the venues 
where the shows were being held but we tended to ignore them and they 
have never followed through on their threats to knowledge. 
Now here is the reason why they are pretty much powerless, and this 
affects every single person in this country (incl. PQ).
About 3 years ago a band in LONDON ONT. called Reverend (?  can't 
remember his name....duh) and the LOST FOLLOWERS were fined for postering 
on public telephone poles. They challenged the fine in court and went all 
the way to the Supreme Court claiming an infringement of their freedom of 
speech. They won! The court found that a Municipal Government cannot put 
an outright ban on postering on public property, they can however put 
controlling by-laws into place. They can limit how long posters are 
allowed to be affixed to poles, enforce the removal of posters after set 
periods of time etc. etc. 

This is a basic run through of what has gone down. The freedom of speech 
arguement is mostly based on the idea that if you can't afford 
advertising in periodicals, billboards etc. then you cannot advertise 
your product/event or voice yor opinions/ideas/art. This creates (yet 
another) boundary between 
economic classes. If you are poor, the cheapest way to get your word out 
is to do some hand writtenposters or photocopies and put them up for all 
to see. By banning postering, a gigantic segment of the population is 
denied acces to an open forum.

So those of you in Halifax, perhaps you should be petitioning yor 
municipal government for a time limit on how long posters may be up for. 
Suggeest that they remove posters from public property only on Sunday 
nights, that way you could advertise all week inadvance toa a weekend gig 
(I assume that most events happen on the weekend, if I'm incorrect then
adjust the day). If this doesn't work, well then goddamnit, it's time for 
ART in the name of social and political change. Make posters that are not 
for an event but are political statements and plaster them with wallpaper 
patse over every fucking object in town and let the population know that 
your government blows fucking big chunks of crap over the little guy 
while sucking up to every middle aged, power hungry, control freak 
deviant who claims to be an international political leader (Gfucking7) 
but are really part of the reason why the world is completely fucked up 
for every Tom Dick Harry Jane Suzy and Jennifer who don't make 6 digit 
salries and have government pension plans that pay them more in one year 
than Ihave made this decade.

Go to it folks. The time for Action is Now. You have no-one to blame but 
yourselves if nothing happens. The government is a pawn. A BIG BIG pawn 
that is hard to move that one space forward but just like everyone else 
the government is annoyed by pesky consitently annoying buzzes and 
eventually would rather fix the problem than live with the annoyance.

Whoah, long post, and I didn't even get to the recycling monologue.

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