This is a bit late, but here goes...

Eric's Trip played at the X-Club, which is a hole in the wall (more on 
that later) in hamilton, ontario last sunday.

First up was a band from Welland, Ontario called Loophole.  I didn't 
really like them, but they improved alot from the last time I saw them.
Everyone else seemed to like them, though, so... :)

Next up was a band called Garbage Drink from Hamilton... they were a 
really good band, but I think it was probably one of their first shows, 
because the vocals were really quiet and he sounded kind of shakey.

Of course, Orange Glass played next and I really enjoyed them. :)

Eric's Trip... oh, Eric's Trip... 

They opened up with _Sunlight_ from _Love Tara_... it sent chills through 
my body.... they did a couple new songs which I don't know the names of, 
but one of them was a Julie song, and Rick was running around the stage 
trying to fix something... I'm not sure exactly what, but he fixed it by 
the end of the song.  They played in Welland the day before, and 
apparently Rick broke his guitar and was borrowing one of Chris'... and 
they also mentioned that Julie's amp went up into flames in Welland.  
Sounds like a weird show. After that, they did some extra loud and crunchy
versions of Girlfriend, New Love, and Feeling Around... they played Stove 
at the Request of someone in the audience, and it was really nice to see 
them play it again, because Julie is becoming so much more confident with 
her voice... she was smiling the whole show and her voice was really strong.
They played some more songs that I can't remember.... and then, they went 
into Viewmaster... I love the wall of noise in that song... Viewmaster on 
Forever Again isn't half as good as the live version.
They announced they had two songs left, and they played two songs that 
are going to be on Purple Blue... after the last song, they were feeding 
back for about 10 minutes, and they suddenly broke into Blinded... I was 
happy because I always wanted to see them play it live..
Julie and Mark left the stage and Rick and Chris took turns on the bass 
and drums and guitar for about 15 minutes of feedback frenzy.. :)

It was a great show.. the best Eric's Trip show I've seen yet... :)

Anyway, back to the X-Club... apparently, Sonic Unyon has ditched this 
place (it used to be their headquarters) and I'm starting to see why... 
it's way too small for the amount of people that were there. (about 200)

It's just a really horrible place.

And also, there was this guy there (that I've seen at about 10 shows 
now...) he stands in the middle of the club and swings his hair around in 
circles... it's really annoying.

So Julie or Tara or Rick, if you're reading.. he wasn't making fun of 
you, he does that for every band that comes to the X-Club... :)
Thanks for coming... :)


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