dear mike catano,

you know how much i love you but, being
blunt, and when am i not, i have to say
that in this particular case i think
you're full of shit.

it's not news to anyone including tara and me
that using a term like "frat boy" is a
simplifying generalization.  
and prejudiced to boot.  and a stereotype.

but saying that it is the *same* kind
of marginalizing move as calling women
"bitches" is just ridiculous.

first of all, "frat boy" as a term describing
a person with a certain mentality refers
to a *voluntarily chosen ideology* rather
than a biological or racial differentiation
or a sexual orientation.

so you'll forgive me if i dismiss your 
remarks out of hand, but it's hardly
a radical suggestion to point out that
*voluntarily chosen ideologies*
and *patriarchal structures* such as
the frats have in the past and
continue to *legitimate* and *nurture*
sexist attitudes like the trash that 
thruster disseminate.
(i use that verb advisedly.)

complaints against the institutions 
of patriarchy are not reverse discrimination.
unless you believe rush limbaugh.

*do* you believe rush limbaugh?


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