ET, Orange Glass, The New Grand and Curb played last night at the Volcano 
in Kitchener last night. 

Looks like i beat sizzleteen and Warren to the first review. Anyway, curb 
opened up the night with a pretty tight set. I've never heard them play 
before but they were pretty interesting. They left me with a solid 

The New Grand: Like always, these boys seem to get the crowd rawkin. Mike 
was sportin his new vest that mommy bought, very sharp indeed. Despite 
being plagued with technical difficulties(Tim's guitar, destined to be out 
of tune, the bass pedal, snare, and ride cymbol all seemed to be lacking 
in durablility) the set was extremely high in energy.

Orange Glass: My first time seeing them live so I'll let someone else 
review them.  I can't say too much about them so I won't.

Erics Trip: In one word, LOUD!!!.  Shit, this band certainly knows how to 
wail. I am almost speechless, they played a lot of there new stuff which 
pretty cool, and the rest of the set was evenly distributed between love 
tara and forever again + some older stuff. I have a hard time 
remebering song titles because 
I usually refer to them as track 1, or track 2 etc....So  I am afraid I 
can't say much more. There encore lasted about 10 minutes where 9 of 
these miuntes was ear blowing feedback. I guess i should have worn ear plugs.


Christian Rodericks                            'You thought you got me, but I   
2N Mathematics                                  called no punchbacks'
University of Waterloo                          -Radioblaster-

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