>Damn, this math-rock thing has gone on too long.  This IS a SLOAN discussion 
>group is it not? So let's get down to some discussion!

well, actually, it's a discussion not only of sloan, but also
of the "east coast scene" in general.  always has been.
just to be nitpicky.    :-)

>My topic is ...Did the fact that sloan signed so early (after playing 
>only 3 gigs outside of Halifax I believe) contribute to the fact that 
>they didn't sell more records? and to the fact that they have broken up 
>at this point?  If they would have built themselves an indie base would 
>they be way bigger now?  Would they have signed to Matador instead of 
>Geffen? Would this have been a better way to go?

i don't know how directly anyone can answer these "what if" type questions,
but i could raise a few points...

- if the question is, were sloan good enough already to put out a
  major label record, well, listen to _smeared_ and you tell me.
  if you ask me it's better than most of the records that dgc has
  put out.
- is "build indie base first, get major label deal later" the best
  route for every band to travel?  
- as someone else said (sorry, i forget who) the buzz that that
  signing created is largely responsible for all the media attention
  and reputation of the "halifax scene" as we now know it.  so it's
  a little late to go back and analyze.  
- one ironic thing about this situation is that it seems like the
  sloan signing has helped many many bands while ultimately turning
  into a bad deal for *them*.
- the way DGC US treated _twice removed_ still reeks.  when you
  sign with a label, you're putting your career in their hands.
  for them to arbitrarily decide that the album didn't skronk
  enough, without even putting up the money for *one* video to
  see how it would fly, shows really bad faith.  now that teenage
  fanclub have put out _grand prix_, which is also a stripped-down,
  classic-sounding pop record like 2R, and they've put real promotion
  money behind it (it seems), it's like another twist of the knife.

i want you all to put your fist in the air, and shout with me now,
"*FUCK* david geffen!!"
thank you, that was very gratifying.  :-)


     _James R. Covey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>_    sloan net is a discussion of the
 ___| | ___   __ _ _ __      _ __   ___| |_  halifax / east coast music scene
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