I just logged on to about 200 messages!! (it's been awhile.) Bare with me...

Re: Sloan/geffen- I recall Nettwork cozying up to Sloan first. During the
ECMA when Sloan had there own showcase at the oo gallery? I can't recall
when exactly but I remember Nettwork being a possibility.
        I think Sloan's success was due to jamming above Paper Chase on
Sunday nights so that you couldn't go downtown (or live downtown) without
hearing them. I met the guy who "discovered" Sloan from DGC at a late night
thing at the old murder space (Cafe Mokka). He divulged to me the secret
to Sloan's success; the reason they were signed: They were REALLY GOOD!

Sloan's LAST show- I read a funny review in Exclaim about there "last"
show in Windsor and about there endless series of "last shows". I
imagine that they keep getting offers to play and that the money's
good enough to make it worth there while. However, I was talking to
Patrick about the Coast's Best/Worst survey: on the question about
breakthrough band for '96 Patti replies: Sloan...

Re: Math Rock- no comment.
Re: Chemistry Rock- Am having 2 funk parties @ Cafe Ole on Saturday. The
2nd is @ midnight and is FREE but you need to have an invite or RSVP
by sending me e-mail.
Re: Fraggle Rock- "dance your cares away
                   save them for another day
                   let the music play
                   down in Fraggle Rock"
-mike (price)

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