dave asks:

>Someone was saying the motes are heading in a different musical direction.
>Anybody know anything about this? 

i can tell you a couple of things:
- i had the privilege of interviewing the band for my zine, _man in demand_
  (yes, the zine *is* coming, i've been spending all my spare time for the
  past two days on it!) and J said that the motes are finished with the
  space rock theme (now that it's caught on in the mainstream culture, 
  thanks to the X-files) and with themes in general.  they don't plan to
  record while they're in BC so that they can come back with a fresh
  attitude.  what will come of that, no one knows for sure.
- i also got to hear their new song "plastimorontree", which will come out
  on some sort of compilation in the new year, god willing, and the very
  first line is "i don't believe in science, it will just let me down" so
  it seems like their current change of direction is making it into the
  lyrics.  as for the music, well it's a J song that rocks like jon's songs 
  normally do...

>I was also courious as to how well the spine single sold 

like hotcakes when it was first released.
(25 sold at the release gig @ birdland!)
like molasses now that the band can't tour to support it.
while they were still here the band played montreal, ottawa, and toronto
to audiences that apparently had no idea what a vinyl single *is*.
they didn't sell a single copy!  
things may change when the "black greasy five eye" video comes out.

>and if Spine are selling any over in England?

dave took 100 copies with him -- but there's some question as to
how to approach promotion of the band.  there's a band called spine
in england already so expect a name change in the new year, once
their drummer trevor joins them there.


     _James R. Covey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>_    sloan net is a discussion of the
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  • Re: motes Michael Damian Catano
    • James R. Covey

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