> keeep going!  one more line...
> "Three cans of water provokes me,
> coax me, cajole me...."
> It just makes more sense to me.

Ok, i can't believe that i'm responding to this, but here goes.
it most definitely *is* perverts me.   Chris is talking about fans who 
take there bands *way* to seriously, so it's not the band he hates it's 
the fans.  the fans that are in your face about everything, in 
particular, about their band.  so the metaphor of watered down 
concentrated O.J. makes sense, because in the fan's mind, to compromise on 
anything would be a sell-out, would be watering down, a perversion of the 
hard core...whatever.  if i remember 
correctly, the lyric sheet that comes with the vinyl has perverts me, if 
that song is legible.  he's was talking about this song on the MuchMusic 
thing they did(where they dubbed over an old interview, cool) and he 
talks about that whole consolidated reference.

Jim Cooper

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