for those of you who haven't figured it out
by now, brendan's post about the "new sloan album"
and subsequent posts by various smartasses, it's
all a *joke*!!  there's no new sloan album.

however, the following is actually for real --
back at pop explosion time i invited questions
for andrew scott from sloan net, and promised
to post the answers.  apologies to carol -- 
i didn't get the answers to your questions on
tape thanks to a minor technical difficulty.
but i'll email you seperately with my best
attempt at remembering his answers...  which
probably won't be any good for your zine...

From: "John" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

        I have a question. who IS Andrew Scott? 

AS:  Andrew Scott is a 27-year-old man.  I'm not a kid anymore, 
I'm not a teenager.  I never tried to think that I was.  And 
I'm just a guy struggling day to day to live my life the best 
way I can.  And goddammit, it's hard.  

[JC:  Andrew Scott is the drummer for Sloan and a founding member
      of the Maker's Mark.  That is all ye ever need know.  :-) ]

From: Brendan Ryan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

        Well the one thing I have often wondered about him is.. 
        Does he realize that he has the reputation of being 
        almost unaproachable? and is this something that he 
        perpetuates so people won't hang off of him like they 
        do Chris and Jay?

AS:  I'll tell you, that reputation is the direct result of Chris Murphy.
He's never taken one step back from promoting me as this ultracool,
ultra-unapproachable "Fonz" character.  But Chris' interpretation of me
is quite warped through his own interpretation of himself.  God love
Chris Murphy.  I love Chris, you know, I've known him for years, but he
has an incredible talent for trying to deflect a lot of stuff of himself
onto other people.  Not necessarily maliciously, but it's just the way
he is.  Maybe I am unapproachable.  I don't know, I've never gotten mad 
at anybody for coming up and talking to me.  But, you know, I'm not really 
one to go looking for people who listen to the band I'm in to come and 
talk to me.  Like if you want to come and talk to me, that's up to you.  
If you think i'm unapproachable, then take your chances or don't take your 
chances.  But, don't believe everything you hear.  I'm actually quite a 
nice guy.

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (D'Arcy Flueck)

        as to questions for andrew scott, you can ask him why he's so 
        dogmatic, why he always runs away and stuff. (i guess that's mean), 
        but you could ask him if he likes his fans? and you could ask him 
        why he thinks sloan is in the hearts of every kid (and big kid) in 
        canada? if he has a big theory (like they've put special subliminal 
        messages hidden in their music or something ;))

AS:  I don't even know what dogmatic means.  Holding on to some kind of
ultra-truth or something?

JC:  Really insistent on your own opinions.

AS:  Yeah, I'm very opinionated.  And I'm not swayed if I offend
anybody.  If you want to hear my opinion I'm going to say what I feel.
I think everybody should say what they feel.  But you've got to back up
what you say.  And I'll do my damnedest to back up whatever I say.  I
guess I am dogmatic, yeah.  (I love dogs!)

I have no idea why we're so popular with Canadian kids, as opposed to
Chinese kids or Russian kids.  Maybe it's because we're from Canada, and
Canada in a larger sense has always held onto its own.  Not that we've
ever tried to portray ourselves as this flagship for Canadian music in
any sense, because to a large degree I've always been quite disappointed
with a lot of Canadian music and how it's promoted and how it's made and
how it's chosen to be put out over a lot of other things.  But hopefully, 
since the time we've started releasing records in Canada, I think a hell 
of a lot has changed in terms of where people look for music.  And now 
it's to a point where Canada doesn't have to settle for the Tom Cochranes 
or the Alannah Myles, who is a complete egotistical terrible artist.  I 
cannot understand Alannah Myles whatsoever.  That article about her in the 
Globe and Mail...  It was like a half-page article of her just talking 
about how good she is.  It was gag-inducing.  I guess Canadian kids have 
good taste.  I hope.  If that means we're any good.

From: Katrina Grentz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

        I have a question for andrew scott...i challenge you to ask
        him what he was like in high school b/c *i know* & have yearbook 
        pics to prove it (he was kind of a preppy)...

AS:  *Incredibly* preppy.  I'm already leaning back towards the preppy
look.  I think preppy is good and everybody should embrace it.  I was
kind of a preppy jock punk metal guy.  I always had such a giant
identity crisis in high school.  I didn't know what I'd do.  I hung
around with all the black dudes that played basketball.  I played
basketball, but I drove a skateboard and listened to really bad hardcore
records in high school.  So I didn't know who I was.  But I wore
Lacoste, not Ralph Lauren.

From: "Bowers, Randy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

        We've all seen you wear the t-shirt, so what's the connection with 
        Teenage Fanclub?  Are you just a "fan" of their musical style, or is 
        there a particular song, circumstance, or group member that you 
        identify with?

A:  No, Teenage Fanclub don't really fall in my supply of bands that I
really listen to or revere or whatever.  I mean, I like Teenage Fanclub
but I don't really know why I wore that T-shirt.  It may have been the
only one I had that day because we were in the middle of a tour when we
shot that video ["Underwhelmed"], but I thought it was a nice T-shirt.
I'm a sucker for targets.  Jasper Johns, late-sixties, early-seventies
American painter, did some pretty nice target paintings.  I'm neither
here nor there with Teenage Fanclub.  I think they're good, but I don't
listen to them very much.

     _James R. Covey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>_    sloan net is a discussion of the
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