Andrew Rodenhiser, [EMAIL PROTECTED], wrote:

>A happy 28th birthday to some other guy named Andrew, who is a year and a 
>day older than me and used to play drums in a certain local band which is 
>defunct and does not have a new album coming out.

Well, well... Andrew's (the non-Iron-Maiden-fan ;) - I presume, anyway) b-day
is December 5th? And that would imply that 
yours, Andrew, is the 6th; today. Which also happens be mine! 
Happy birthday.

sorry for the somewhat limited Sloan relevance.
although I shouldn't be apologizing, considering some of the crap that's been
going by lately.

now, just to add some actual real Sloan content:

I've been listening to _2R_ lately quite a bit (even more than usual), and
this is really starting to bother me. 
In "Before I Do"... I've been able to make out the first section of Andrew's
monologue, and I've explained before that it comes from a Change of Heart
song. but after the instruments get loud, he goes on for an extra minute or
so, and you can just make out odd words,
including what I think is a phone number.
does ANYONE (Mr. Covey, Sir?) have any idea what the hell he's talking about?

the other drummer,
a l e x

PS You sneaky bastards did not fool me, even for a second, with the "Shaken
By The Speed" thing.

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