on wednesday the superfriendz played their first show ever
int the USA. they played in buffalo, new york. earlier in the
day they played an in  and then later that night was the
"big show". the venue they played in was not really meant for
live shows. the stage was temporary and really unstable. they
probably put it together in about five minutes. there was a
rented p.a. system and no monitors for the guys. but the
superfriendz still rawked! matt was especially energetic and
nutty. the stage was set up really weird and lonnie and his
drums were up on balcony next to the stage. even faced with
all these strange conditions, the superfriendz were able to
deliver a great show. they even played some rare ones including
a "boots" and some cover song.
  catch them friday at the rivoli in toronto with al tuck and
the sadies.

 kelly and kristina

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