Wow, Talk about wicked :)

Last night, The Superfreindz, Al Tuck et all, and Shortfall played the 
Volcano. It was the best show I've seen here all term...

First let me say that attendance was pretty minimal, which is OK by my 
selfish standards but it would have been nice to see a bigger draw for 
the bands' sake.

Shortfall-Lowest of the Low meets the Doughboys ;) These guys were 
really, REALLY tight. Much better than the last time I saw them. I don't 
think many people had heard of them before but I think they won the 
crowd over pretty good. 

Al Tuck - light-hearted, innocent, unpretentious...these guys are so 
wicked. I can't believe how different they are from when I first saw them 
over a year ago. Chuck from sfz picked up an axe and joined in for a rendition 
of Mr. Fixit, which was hugely ironic becasue then the guitar stopped 
working, and Clive came out and threw fit on stage because his guitar was 
f**ked and he kicked over his amp and stuff. Al finished the set playing 
solo. I guess that makes me Al Tuck fan #6? (was there ever any doubt? :) 

Sfz- Well, what can I say, they were the Sfz, pure and simple. Matt was 
doing all the usual stuff, hopping on drums and doing kicks and stuff 
like that. It was nice to see them headling for a change though. 

Anyway, I think I seriously incriminated myself last night. I walked up 
to carol and Matt and, as per my usual courteous self, barged in on their 
conversation. They were talking about if you could be anybody for a day, 
who would it be. Well Matt asked me who I would be, and I said..well..I 
guess you'll have to check out 'In The Meantime' #3 because carol was 
taping the whole thing (I didn't notice the recorder in her hands until 
it was too late)....

Oh well, c'est ca :)


|Warren Rodericks                     |Crazy fan;)-"Play some Sabbath!" |
|3B Actuarial Science                 |                                 | 
|University of Waterloo               |Matt Murphy-"Don't tempt us .... |
|[EMAIL PROTECTED] | know not what you ask .."  |

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