Ok.. There's another all-ages show at the jammin monkey this friday 
night..  As far as I know the bands that are playing are: CHED, the Jon 
Kenneth Wilkes Blues Band, and Wheadeater (sp?).  All of these bands are 
great... CHED are one of the best St. John's bands IMHO..  JKW are great, 
a bit of a change from the style of a lot of the other local bands.. AND 
wheadeater are excellent, especially that peter guy.. He's "special".. 
=P  Oh my.. And of course you also get the treat of Brian Downton in two 
of these bands, he plays drums in JKW and guitar in Wheadeater.. As 
people have said before, he can definantly play the drums.. =] BUT, what 
they haven't said is that he's also a pretty darn good singer.. 
AnYWaYz.. If you're gonna be in the St. John's area on Friday, check out 
this show.. 

 ||||///\  --|||||  ||||||||          |             -= Wes Hodgson =-
  |||  ||  --            ===          |       -= St.John's, NF, Canada =-
  |||\\\/  --|||      ==== ..BeCAuSe  |       -= Phone: (7o9) 722-5313 =-
  |||      --        ===     YoU cAN..|       -= [EMAIL PROTECTED] =-
  |||      --|||||  ||||||||          | -= http://www.pwc.k12.nf.ca/~whodgson =-

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