Hey this is Matt.  I just wanted to take a break from the 
slagging and unslagging of Sonic Youth...my two cents, they totally 
        I will talk to you about a BATTLE OF THE BANDS that took 
place at Colonel Gray Senior High School.  It was the third year they 
held it but for the first time the event, created by the entrepeneur 
class at school, made it so all the bands were original ones...ie no 
        It started off with my band Chase...our second real gig and 
we won over some fans with our "so close to sloan but not" sound.  We 
even impressed ourselves, I hope that doesn't sound too conceded.  It 
was loads of fun.
        Next came Chinese CHeckers who welded Sonic Youth and NOFX 
together with surprisingly good results.  It was their first gig ever 
and they actually only had two rehearsals beforehand...although I was 
told it was for nine hours each.
        After them came a crowd favourite, Smokin'Cinnamon.  This was 
the first time I heard them play and I was very impressed.  The lead 
singer Damion, has quite a pair of lungs on him...he almost 
singlehandedly blew John Boland's PA system.
        The forth band was Watchmaker who will be opening for Bad 
Luck #13 on Saturday here in Charlottetown.  Despite the fact that 
they did not like their performance, being the only true punk band 
added some personality and some pizzazz.  I really like these guys.  
Of course I'm a sucker for punk bands.
        T42, the eventual winners, played their set with enthusiasm 
and a very playfull spirit.  They recruited Strawberry's bass player 
Brian Arsenault and he played real good...plus he is the coolest bass 
player on the face of the planet (besides Chris Murphy teehee).  
Unfortunately their replacement bass player is just that: a 
        ed who, came up next and rawked the joint with their 
Nirvanaesque songs.  BUt it was their rap song that blew the crowd 
away.  Nathan the lead singer needs to go to a therapist...he really 
has the thing called teen angst.
        The Raw Overtones, GREAT BAND, played last and left everyone 
far from high and dry...Robbie spit water on the mosh pit which was a 
large one.  This incredible power trio made Colonel Gray's pricipal's 
ears to bleed...maybe I'm going a little too far.  I have reported on 
these guys before on my reviews of Charlottetown bands and I forgot 
to tell you to bring earplugs to their shows.
        That does it for tonight, thanx for reading, those other 
bands should prove to a lot of people not only around here but also 
around the Maritimes that Charlottetown does have a thriving scene 
despite our small size.  As usual any questions, comments, info on 
how to contact the bands just type.

        p.s. Bob your tape is coming.

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