what the *HELL* happened to stinkin rich a.k.a. the buck sixty fifth 
a.k.a. DJ critical a.k.a. richard terfry??? i always figured his beard 
was like, a constant, as inevitable as death and taxes, as right as rain. 
tonight on much*subliminalhatemessagestojonbartlett*east, there was 
footage from birdland's anniversary party (hi brendan-on-tv-ryan!) and 
i noticed the glaring absence of rich's goatee thing. PLUS he was wearing 
indie nerd glasses - he almost looked like jon dacey!!! :)

has jale released *three* videos for their EP? "long way home" was shown 
tonight, someone mentioned a video for "jesus loves me" a while ago, and 
i've seen a video for "double edge" a few months back. how did they 
afford to do this?

did eric's trip ever release a video for "girlfriend" as was rumored here 
ages ago?

doesn't bellini look sorta like marc from len?

did both pressings of the bubaiskull 7'' run out yet?

that is all, thank you.


ps/ pat from wagbeard is the sexiest man in the west.

"Richard is Richard Terfry to his   "I am the coolest guy in the
 parents, but to a Haltown Projex    whole world."
 audience, he's DJ Has Slam."              - The Planet Smashers
      - The Coast, Vol. I, No. 6    

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