Ok... Here's my little review of the show at the Jammin' 
Monkey last Friday (Dec. 15).  Someone asked me if I would do 
it so, why not?  BTW, this person's name does NOT rhyme with 
Beremy Glark.  Just thought that I'd make that point clear 
before hand... =]  Oh well.. On with the review.
First up was Wheadeater.  Ok, I think they've been around for 
longer than either of the two other bands that performed, BUT, 
sorry guys, it doesn't show. =]  As long as I can remember 
them playing, it's been the same songs over and over again.  
It's getting a WeEEe bit boring.  From what I hear, the band 
hasn't jammed much lately, so I guess that's kinda an excuse.  
But, IMHO, a band that doesn't jam anymore doesn't really have much 
of a point...  Oh well.. that's just my 2 cents...  Of course, 
they're all amazing musicians.  It consists of Brian Downton 
on vox/guitar (deja vu?), Peter King on bass, Jason Denief on 
drums, and another guitarist, but I don't know his name.. =]
The next band that played was CHED.  Definantly good local 
material, and real nice guys too.  I like them a lot, but some 
other people may disagree with my opinion on them.  No matter 
what _some_ people think of them tho, they're doing pretty 
good for themselves.  Just when I thought that the only bands 
that would always get people outa their seats were Bung, 
Potmaster, and Potato Bug.. =]  But ya.. Back to friday.. =]  
They do a cover of Message In A Bottle by The Police.  I don't 
think that I've ever seen a crowd get so excited to get a band 
to play a cover.
Last, but CERTAINLY not least is the John Kenneth Wilkes Blues 
Band (yikes! that's a long name.. =]).  I've only seen them 
play twice, but both times I was thouroughly impressed.  Not 
only are they ALL good musicians, but they put on a good show 
too.  I mean, it's not just "this song is called <insert 
cheesy song name here>"... and then they just play music.  
They actually do stuff in between..  Mainly due to Peter I 
think.. =P  But they have such cool songs.  There are three that 
come to my mind especialy.  First is umm.. "Subhumanoid Love 
Song" (correct me if i'm wrong)..  It's like a zombie love 
song.. =]  And Alex sings it in this neat zombie-like voice..  
Next song is called "little red riding hood" and is about.. 
you guess it.. little red riding hood.  Hehehehe.. again, this 
is sung by alex at times in one of his funny little voices.  
Near the end the song speeds up into this super fast, "nothing-
to-do-with-what-a-normal-person-would-call-blues" pace.. The 
last song is one that I've only seen them perform once, and it 
was the first time that they played it too..  That's becuase 
they made it up as they went along.. =]  It's called 
"Free Skins-Mahoney."  I believe it's about 
their old drummer, Skins-Mahoney, who (hehehe) "was arrested for 
dealing drugs"..  umm.. sure guys.. =P 
Oh well.. I ended up talking about the bands themselves more 
than the show.. Oh well.. Just from the way that I described 
the bands I'm sure you can guess that over-all this made for a 
real good show.. 
        - WeS-ARoOOoOO

 ||||///\  --|||||  ||||||||          |             -= Wes Hodgson =-
  |||  ||  --            ===          |       -= St.John's, NF, Canada =-
  |||\\\/  --|||      ==== ..BeCAuSe  |       -= Phone: (7o9) 722-5313 =-
  |||      --        ===     YoU cAN..|       -= [EMAIL PROTECTED] =-
  |||      --|||||  ||||||||          | -= http://www.pwc.k12.nf.ca/~whodgson =-

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