
I haven't found this answer in the documentation, so I'm hoping someone here
can point me in the right direction.

What's the best practice for renaming tables managed by slony?  Is it treated
as removing and re-adding a new table, or is there a shortcut?

I've got a project where I need to rename 30 columns, 2 sequences, 11 tables
and 7 views...

We are still using Slony 1.2.x.

Thanks for the help!


 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
   Mark Stosberg            Principal Developer  
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]     Summersault, LLC     
   765-939-9301 ext 202     database driven websites
 . . . . . http://www.summersault.com/ . . . . . . . .

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