I have a working Slony-I setup with one master and one slave.  I tried to run a 
simple alter table add column statement via execute script.  This always worked 
for me, however today it failed.

I got this error (truncated) on the slave:

2014-12-05 21:51:14 SAST ERROR  remoteWorkerThread_1_1: error at end of COPY 
IN: ERROR:  schema "_appcluster" does not exist
CONTEXT:  SQL statement "select 
_AppCluster.sequenceSetValue($1,$2,NULL,$3,true); "
COPY sl_log_1, line 1: "1       4065328 \N      13346355        \N      \N      
S       \N      {"alter table future_details add note_adm text;"..."
2014-12-05 21:51:14 SAST ERROR  remoteWorkerThread_1_1: failed SYNC's log 
selection query was 'COPY ( select log_origin, log_txid, NULL::integer, 
log_actionseq, NULL::text, NUL
L::text, log_cmdtype, NULL::integer, log_cmdargs from 
"_AppCluster".sl_log_script where log_origin = 1 and log_txid >= 
8') and log_txid < '4065334' and 
"pg_catalog".txid_visible_in_snapshot(log_txid, '4065334:4065334:') union all 
select log_origin, log_txid, NULL::integer, log_actionseq, NULL::

Why am I getting this error that the schema does not exist?  If I insert data 
into a replicated table on the master, it appears correctly on the slave.  

On the slave:

oasis=# \dn
    List of schemas
    Name      |  Owner   
_AppCluster | postgres
public        | postgres
(2 rows)

Can anyone provide advise?


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