2015-02-05 09:53:29 PST clsdb postgres 51877
2015-02-05 09:53:29.976 PSTNOTICE:  Slony-I: log switch to sl_log_2
complete - truncate sl_log_1

2015-02-05 10:01:34 PST clsdb postgres 42459
2015-02-05 10:01:34.481 PSTNOTICE:  Slony-I: could not lock sl_log_1 -
sl_log_1 not truncated

Sooo I have 13 million rows in sl_log_1 and from my checks of various
tables things are replicated, but this table still has a lock and is not
being truncated, These errors have been happening since 12:08 AM..

my sl_log_2 table now has 8 million rows but I'm replicating and not adding
a bunch of data. We did some massive deletes last nights, 20million was the
last batch when things stopped seeming to switch and truncate.

Soooo, questions. How can I verify sl_log_1 can be truncated (everything in
it has been replicated) and how can I figure out what is locking, so that
slony can't truncate?

I'm not hurting, just stressing at this point

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