
Please pardon the length of this email but I felt it is best to give a global 

I was looking at slonik for a project. 
All the setup info, tutorials etc etc seems to vary


Just to name two sources of study

So I used two approaches

1 - Passing commands to slonik directly. All ok 
2 - Using the provided perl scripts . Not ok and this is where I would like 
some tips , guidance

master node:
master db: primdb

slave node:
slave db: bkdb

I use .pgpass 


I stripped out all comments to keep things to a minimum

     1  # 
     2  # Author: Christopher Browne
     3  # Copyright 2004-2009 Afilias Canada
     4  # Revised extensively by Steve Simms
     6  # Keeping the following three lines for backwards compatibility in
     7  # case this gets incorporated into a 1.0.6 release.
     8  #
     9  # TODO: The scripts should check for an environment variable
    10  # containing the location of a configuration file.  That would
    11  # simplify this configuration file and allow Slony-I tools to still work
    12  # in situations where it doesn't exist.
    13  #
    14  if ($ENV{"SLONYNODES"}) {
    15      require $ENV{"SLONYNODES"};
    16  } else {
    21      $CLUSTER_NAME = 'armandpc';
    26      $PIDFILE_DIR = '/var/run/slony1';
    36      $LOGDIR = '/var/log/slony1-94';
    53      $MASTERNODE = 1;
    56      $DEBUGLEVEL = 2;
    63      $SLEEP_TIME = 60;
    65      # Watchdog version to use 1 or 2 (default 1)
    66      # $WATCHDOG_VERSION = 1;
    67      # Be verbose (default 1)
    68      $WATCHDOG_VERBOSE = 0;
    75      add_node(node     => 1,
    76               host     => '',
    77               dbname   => 'primdb',
    78               port     => 5432,
    79               user     => 'postgres',
    80               password => '',
    81               config   => '/etc/slony1-94/slon_tools.conf');
    83      add_node(node     => 2,
    84               host     => '',
    85               dbname   => 'bkdb',
    86               port     => 5432,
    87               user     => 'postgres',
    88               password => '',
    89               config   => '/etc/slony1-94/slon_tools.conf');
    91  }
    96  $SLONY_SETS = {
    98      # A unique name for the set
    99      "set1_1" => {
   101          # The set_id, also unique
   102          "set_id" => 1,
   127          "table_id"    => 1,
   128          "sequence_id" => 1,
   132          "pkeyedtables" => [
   133                             'test1',
   134                             ],
   138          "keyedtables" => {},
   139          "sequences" => [],
   140      },
   142  };
   152  if ($ENV{"SLONYSET"}) {
   153      require $ENV{"SLONYSET"};
   154  }
   156  # Please do not add or change anything below this point.
   157  1;

And now the questions/steps

a       -     add_node(node     => 1,
             host     => '',
             dbname   => 'primdb',
             port     => 5432,
             user     => 'postgres',
             password => '',
             config   => '/path/to/node1_config_file.conf');

I presume this would be config   => '/etc/slony1-94/slon_tools.conf' or am I 
wrong ?

b       -         "pkeyedtables" => [

The table name in single or double quotes ? I saw an example with double quotes

c       -       steps done

/usr/pgsql-9.4/bin/slonik_init_cluster -c /etc/slony1-94/slon_tools.conf

cluster name = armandpc;
 node 1 admin conninfo='host= dbname=primdb user=postgres 
 node 2 admin conninfo='host= dbname=bkdb user=postgres port=5432';
  init cluster (id = 1, comment = 'Node 1 - primdb@');

  store node (id = 2, event node = 1, comment = 'Node 2 - bkdb@');
  echo 'Set up replication nodes';

  echo 'Next: configure paths for each node/origin';
  store path (server = 1, client = 2, conninfo = 'host= 
dbname=primdb user=postgres port=5432');
  store path (server = 2, client = 1, conninfo = 'host= 
dbname=bkdb user=postgres port=5432');
  echo 'Replication nodes prepared';
  echo 'Please start a slon replication daemon for each node';

-bash-4.1$ /usr/pgsql-9.4/bin/slonik_init_cluster -c 
/etc/slony1-94/slon_tools.conf |/usr/pgsql-9.4/bin/slonik
<stdin>:10: Set up replication nodes
<stdin>:13: Next: configure paths for each node/origin
<stdin>:16: Replication nodes prepared
<stdin>:17: Please start a slon replication daemon for each node

/usr/pgsql-9.4/bin/slonik_create_set -c /etc/slony1-94/slon_tools.conf  1   

cluster name = armandpc;
 node 1 admin conninfo='host= dbname=primdb user=postgres 
 node 2 admin conninfo='host= dbname=bkdb user=postgres port=5432';


    create set (id = 1, origin = 1, comment = 'Set 1 (set1_1) for armandpc');

  echo 'Subscription set 1 (set1_1) created';
  echo 'Adding tables to the subscription set';
  set add table (set id = 1, origin = 1, id = 1,
                 full qualified name = 'public.test1',
                 comment = 'Table public.test1 with primary key');
  echo 'Add primary keyed table public.test1';

  echo 'Adding sequences to the subscription set';
  echo 'All tables added';

/usr/pgsql-9.4/bin/slonik_create_set -c slon.conf 1|/usr/pgsql-9.4/bin/slonik   

<stdin>:11: Subscription set 1 (set1_1) created
<stdin>:12: Adding tables to the subscription set
<stdin>:16: Add primary keyed table public.test1
<stdin>:19: Adding sequences to the subscription set
<stdin>:20: All tables added

/usr/pgsql-9.4/bin/slon_start -c /etc/slony1-94/slon_tools.conf 1  &
fails to start

2015-11-16 20:59:50 CST ERROR  syntax error in file 
"/etc/slony1-94/slon_tools.conf" line 13, near end of line
2015-11-16 20:59:50 CST CONFIG main: slon version 2.2.4 starting up
usage: /usr/pgsql-9.4/bin/slon [options] clustername conninfo

    -h                    print usage message and exit
    -v                    print version and exit
    -d <debuglevel>       verbosity of logging (1..4)
    -s <milliseconds>     SYNC check interval (default 10000)
    -t <milliseconds>     SYNC interval timeout (default 60000)
    -o <milliseconds>     desired subscriber SYNC processing time
    -g <num>              maximum SYNC group size (default 6)
    -c <num>              how often to vacuum in cleanup cycles
    -p <filename>         slon pid file
    -f <filename>         slon configuration file
    -a <directory>        directory to store SYNC archive files
    -x <command>          program to run after writing archive file
    -q <num>              Terminate when this node reaches # of SYNCs
    -r <num>              # of syncs for -q option
    -l <interval>         this node should lag providers by this interval

So what gives ? How do I debug, fix , move forward ? Aside the doc which maybe 
I missed , has an example which yes it works but it not going in all these 
details, any other examples and so on ?

Many thanks

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