On 12/17/2015 03:21 PM, Tory M Blue wrote:
> I've done a switchover and as part of a migration to another center, but
> there was data that didn't replicate, we are unclear why but will be
> investigating.
> The question at hand, is there any way to dump the sl_log file and
> somehow get it into the new cluster (that new cluster does not have this
> data). It's been a couple of days so I can't just dump and load the data
> (more data would be lost), so it's really about retrieving what is in
> sl_log and getting that into the new cluster.
> If not, no big deal, but figured I would ask if there is a way.

Assuming your on slony 2.2 I *THINK* you can copy (ie COPY FROM ..  | 
COPY TO) the contents from sl_log_1/2 on the origin to sl_log_1/2 on the 
replica, that should cause the logApply trigger to fire and insert the rows.

I've never actually tried doing this, you would want to test it well to 
determine if it actually works without side-effects. The fact that the 
switchover missed data is a huge redflag that makes me think something 
else is going on.

> Thanks
> Tory
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