Hello -

I'm deploying Slony1-2.2.4 from a PG 9.2 instance to 9.4.  All data within
subscribed tables is UTF8, the subscribed node contains a firewall so that
the slon daemon is not killed during its initial sync and connectivity is
reliable.  But I still see a repeated "server closed the connection error"
during Slony's initial sync.  This seems to happen randomly after an hour
or two of running through the initial sync.  The target database is 140
GB.  I'm not exceeding SHMMAX settings.

This error: "CONFIG slon: child terminated signal: 9; pid: 300, current
worker pid: 300" has me wondering what is issuing kill -9 to slon daemons.
Is it postgres?  I know that Slony uses OS TCP keepalive settings and those
are set to allow the daemon to run indefinitely.

Any thoughts on this?

Thank you.
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