Postgres 9.4.5 slon 2.2.3 CentOS 6.6 Afternoon
Based on some searching this is not new, but I have failed to find an answer for it.. I had an index running on a non replicated table but slon would not initialize due to that index, something about set 1 failed due to a previous PID. Now I'm trying to to reindex 2 tables that are not in the slon relationship, but slon is backing up, once I stop the reindex, slon replicates just fine (immediately). Something is wonky (its a technical term, you can look it up!: ) ) So killing the index, I was able to add my host, but now I'm trying to add another 2 indexes and it's backing up slon, and or one is holding up the other. So now I'm trying to create 2 indexes concurrently... These are the 2 i am creating. One is waiting on the other. (Waiting is true in pg_stat_Activity) If I kill the 1st the second starts. Nothing is querying this table. CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY idx_impsarchive_psttstamp ON torque.impressions_archive USING btree (timezone('US/Pacific'::text, timezone('UTC'::text, log_tstamp))) TABLESPACE torquespace; -- Index: torque.idx_impsarchive_system -- DROP INDEX torque.idx_impsarchive_system; CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY idx_impsarchive_system ON torque.impressions_archive USING btree (system COLLATE pg_catalog."default") TABLESPACE torquespace; Also when I had it running non-concurrently they both ran at the same time. But slony got backed up. It didn’t explicitly say that it was waiting. But after about 45 minutes, data had not replicated. I killed the indices and it replicated immediately. This table is not being replicated. I also queried sl_table on the master and this table is not there * tab_id | tab_reloid | tab_relname | tab_nspname | tab_set | tab_idxname | tab_altered | tab* *_comment * *--------+------------+---------------------+-------------+---------+--------------------------+-------------+-----------* *-----------------* * 225 | 17959 | variables | torque | 2 | pk_variables_name | f | replicated**table* * 226 | 17935 | impsbulkimporteven | torque | 2 | pk_impsbulkimporteven_id | f | torque.imp**sbulkimporteven* * 228 | 17947 | impsbulkimportodd | torque | 2 | pk_impsbulkimportodd_id | f | torque.imp**sbulkimportodd* * 233 | 17919 | impressions_daily | torque | 2 | pk_impsdaily_id | f | torque.i**mpressions_daily* * 235 | 17907 | impressions | torque | 2 | pk_impressions_id | f | torque.i**mpressions* *(5 rows)* So I want to create these indexes, they are not being replicated but they completely freeze replication. Same thing happened when I added a node, slon would not initialize until we killed the same index creation on this same non replicated table. I'm not sure what is going on and my apologies i deleted the set 1 failed, due to a previous pid message, but if this table is not in replication, why is it causing slon to be blocked? Thanks Tory
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