On Sat, Aug 6, 2016 at 6:16 AM, Jan Wieck <j...@wi3ck.info> wrote:

> How are you monitoring the number of rows in the sl_log_* tables?
> Jan
I've got a couple of updates but first let me answer the question.

    max     => "SHOW max_connections",

    cur     => "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM pg_stat_activity",

    log1    => "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM _cls.sl_log_1",

    log2    => "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM _cls.sl_log_2",

    siz1    => "SELECT (relpages*8) FROM pg_class where relname='sl_log_1'",
    siz2    => "SELECT (relpages*8) FROM pg_class where relname='sl_log_2'"

We have a script that runs and monitors a few things in the dB, one is the
count of sl_log_1 and 2. This is added as an RRD
and graphed.

Now the update, graph above , is what we have been seeing, logs grow  up
until 10:50am or so when the truncate is allowed (now backups are complete
at 4am and all heavy lifting is finished at 5am)

[image: idb01.gc - slonyTables]

I disabled the full backup on the standby unit last night.
[image: idb01.gc - slonyTables]

I still get some peeks and valleys, but the system is not backed up for 10
hours. So this tells me that the backup on the standby is causing a
situation where slon is blocked because tables are locked on the standby
unit. This is still not ideal but it's a big improvement from before where
the sl_log_? would grow to 14million rows from about 2am to 10:45am..

So I need to figure out how to reduce the overhead of the backup, I figured
it was better to run it on the standby but at this point that is not
looking like a great option..

Thanks for working on this with me!

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