On Sun, Mar 12, 2017 at 10:23 PM, Nawaz Ahmed <nawa...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> 1) Although it comes under the documentation of Slony version 1.2.23, does
> it still hold good for the Slony version 2.2.5 to upgrade a postgres from
> 9.0 to 9.5 or 9.6.

The only limit is that the version of slony you run has to be identical and
support both versions of postgresql you have.

You are also going to need to validate your application works with your
newer version of postgres. The release notes for each intermediate version
will help you identify things you need to change and test thoroughly.

> 2) Will the process be straight forward just like the one stated under
> version 1.2.23 link above, or are there any challenges/heads ups to be
> cautious about ?

Yes, it is amazingly simple. You replicate from your current to the newer
version of postgres, then do that switchover step outlined.

> 3) Has anyone else done it in here, who is willing to share their
> experience of whether they had to do something additional or they simply
> followed the process in the above link.

No, the steps are very straight forward. How you stop your application from
updating the DB for the time it needs to switch over is however, for you to
figure out.
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