On Mon, 13 Nov 2017, Tignor, Tom wrote:


                Hello Slony-I community,

                We’re working on a postgres upgrade now and considering a slony 
2.2.4 to 2.2.6
upgrade to perform at the same time. I’ve found the Slony-I Upgrade section in 
the doc. This
describes an all-at-once upgrade procedure which is difficult for us. For a 
2.2.4 to 2.2.6 upgrade,
what would be the barriers to upgrading each node in turn? Of course we’ve seen 
the schema check in
remote_listen.c. However, the 2.2.6 upgradeSchema function looks like it has 
little or no work to do.
Setting aside the schema check, are there any data format or other problems 
which would prevent 2.2.4
from replicating from 2.2.6 or vice versa?

Other than the checks in place to explicitly prevent this, I don't think there is anything in 2.2.5 or 2.2.6 that would stop this from working.

This is from memory and glancing at the release notes, Obviously you would need to do your own testing (and disable version checks)


                Tom    ☺



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