On Wed, 6 Jun 2018, Steve Singer wrote:

> On Wed, 6 Jun 2018, Marek Becka wrote:
>> Hello,
>> since Slony-I 2.1 a POSIX regular expresions can be used for adding
>> tables and sequences to a replication set. I have tried to add all
>> tables using Slony 2.2.5 documentation example of command SET ADD TABLE:
>> SET ADD TABLE (SET ID=1, TABLES='public\\.tracker*');
>> In this case backslash must be escaped to get intended regular expression.
>> Regular expresions used with SET ADD SEQUENCE doesn't works correctly
>> with doubled backslash. To select all sequences from public schema plain
>> regular expression must be used:
>> Shouldn't be both command handled consistently?
> Yes, it probably should. This looks like a bug

I have pushed a fix for this to master and REL_2_2_STABLE

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