I'm doing another migration , but this time I'm keeping the same host
names, so that I'm not forcing configuration changes in our various

This means that

nodes 1-4 are currently subscribed and have their hostnames in the config.
We use scripts that call a file to get the host, it's db and password

When I go to add nodes

11-14,  I'm using the syntax, where xxx is the IP (not the hostname)

Node, hostname
11, xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
12, xxx,xxx,xxx,xxx

the sl.path  looks like this:

dbname=clsdb host=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx user=postgres

the sl.node contains

 no_id | no_active | no_comment | no_failed


    11 | t         | Node  11   | f

    12 | t         | Node  12   | f

    13 | t         | Node  13   | f

Wondering if there is a way to change the sl_path to be the hostname vs the
IP (it will be the same, but does slony care?) Can I just alter the line in
the sl_path and change IP to hostname without everything blowing up (given
that I put the right hostname for that particular IP and of course it's in

Thinking through this more, this actually may not be an issue, as I'm
thinking if I change hosts i'm added and dropping and can add the hostname
at that time, but something is bothering me about leaving it as the IP
(although in reality it's not going to change unless it's dropped). Well
ignore the fact that this may not be warranted and focus on whether I can
make the edits without causing mass hysteria


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