Le 25/03/2020 à 03:37, Rajni Baliyan via Slony1-general a écrit :
> Hello folks,
> I need some pointers and recommendations regarding Slony and PostgreSQL
> minor/major version upgrade.
> Is there any document/link where I can see Slony version compatibility matrix
> with PostgreSQL minor/major versions?
> If upgrading Postgres from 9.5.15 to Postgres 9.5.21, do I need to upgrade
> Slony 2.2.4(current version) as well?
> What is the process to upgrade slony 2.2.4 to 2.2.8 together with Postgres
> upgrade from 9.5.15 to 9.5.21 ?
> Also, I can't see any document which lists the changes from 2.2.4 to 2.2.8.
> Looking forward for your recommendations.

Good Morning,

If upgrading PostgreSQL from 9.5.15 to 9.5.21, there is no need to upgrade
Slony, and in fact nothing to do regarding Slony.

You just have to stop PostgreSQL, install new packages, restart PostgreSQL.

In short : Slony 2.2.5 adds support for PG 9.5, Slony 2.2.6 adds support for PG
10, 2.2.7 supports PG 11 and 2.2.8 PG 12.

To upgrade Slony, you should install the new version package and launch a
slonik script to upgrade the stored procedures (see :

Best regards,

Dr Stéphane Schildknecht
Contact régional PostgreSQL pour l'Europe francophone
+33 617 11 37 42

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