Now this is getting downright ridiculous (as follows):

[root@fast rpm]# rpm -i python-devel-1.5.2-13.i386.rpm
python-1.5.2-13.i386.rpm tkinter-1.5.2-13.i386.rpm                
error: failed dependencies:
        tkinter < 1.5.2 conflicts with python-1.5.2-13
[root@fast rpm]# rpm -i --nodeps python-devel-1.5.2-13.i386.rpm 
python-1.5.2-13.i386.rpm tkinter-1.5.2-13.i386.rpm
error: file /usr/include/python1.5/Python.h from install of
python-devel-1.5.2-13 conflicts with file from package python-devel-1.5.1-10
---------hundreds of error messages snipped-------
[root@fast rpm]#

On Sat, 15 Jul 2000, Conrad Parker wrote:

> On Sat, Jul 15, 2000 at 04:36:45PM +1000, David wrote:
> > 
> > You spoke to soon :-(*
> > 
> > [root@fast rpm]# rpm -U tkinter-1.5.2-13.i386.rpm python-1.5.2-13.i386.rpm
> > error: failed dependencies:
> >         python = 1.5.1 is needed by python-devel-1.5.1-10
> > [root@fast rpm]#
> heh, well in that case, go and download python-devel-1.5.2-*.rpm and
> do
> # rpm -U tkinter-1.5.2-13.i386.rpm python-1.5.2-13.i386.rpm python-devel-1.5.2-*.rpm
> and if that has failed dependencies, download what's required and
> hit up arrow a few times and ... keep downloading and adding to this
> command line until there's no more conflicts ...
> oh well, I tried to be nice and stick up for RPM. I still maintain its
> the second best packaging system in the industry, its pretty good in
> general ;)
> Of course, under debian you'd just do
> # apt-get install tkinter
> and it would download and install the latest versions of everything
> required, and subsequently (next week/month/year) whenever you do
> # apt-get upgrade
> all these packages, along with everything else you have on your
> system, would get upgraded appropriately.
> <sigh> :)
> Conrad.

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