On Thu, Jul 27, 2000 at 09:36:39PM +1000, Jon Biddell wrote:
> At 10:37 AM 7/27/00, Dave Fitch wrote:
> >Jamie Honan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > Although we stray off into a bit of Microsoft bashing, our main
> > > aim should be, simply, the promotion, enjoyment, use and knowledge
> > > of Linux.
> >
> >precisely
> >
> > > Life is short, let's not waste time. I'd hate to see the slug list
> > > continually degenerate into pointless comparisons between NT and
> > > Linux.
> I totally agree, but even geeks need to have a little fun once in a while, 
> and if it can be at M$'s expense, why not ??...:-)
> Jon
> P.S. I got an invite from M$ today to attend a bullshit-session at Fox 
> Studios next month to hear Bill Himself speak on MSN/2 (microsoft.net, 
> their answer to Internet/2 !!)..... I hope Anthony has some of those cool 
> Linux T-Shirts left.....:-)

Interesting ... Gates is coming out during Installfest season!

What date is the presentation at Fox, out of curiousity ...


(practising flinging Tuxes at high speed at people ...)

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