On Thu, Jul 27, 2000 at 03:22:33PM +1000, Graeme Merrall wrote:
> I have this errmm 'friend', who to avoid hassles about switching to
> Debian, we'll call Jeff.
> Anyway, my ermmm 'friend' is wondering if there is a printer setp tool
> similar to the control-panel applet in RedHat or does my ermmm 'friend'
> have to muck about with printcap?

i've always used LPRng and magicfilter, both of which have worked fine

lprng is *much* more powerful than standard bsd lpr. if you are doing
any network printing i'd recommend using it. (you can do all sorts of
wierd things, like pgp sign your print jobs, so print quotas are
actually securely enforced). its good for "bounce queues": gs on my
486 was too slow, so i bounce the jobs over to my pentium for
ghostscripting, and back to /dev/lp0 on my 486.

magicfilterconfig sets up /etc/printcap for you, and does detection
and conversion between many data types. it has predone setups for a
fair few printers, but i've had to tweak a few to get the most out of
my printers (eg: it has an entry for hplj4's, i had to up the
resolution for my hplj6l).

its all fairly painless. if you want to use a network printer, you
will probably have to do a small amount of printcap modifying (ie:
uncomment an entry). a little more if you want to print to a windows
printer (change to "lp=|smbclient //server/printer -P <other stuff>").

etc. got any specific printing problem you want help with?

 - Gus

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