George wrote:
>Hi all,
>I need a WinDoze program that runs on a command line to accept or
>transmit a file using the zmodem protocol. There's alot out there but
>they are all for the GUI and since I'm telnetting into a NT4 box, all
>I have access to is the command prompt. I am currently using the good
>old bz and sz commands under linux and just need one for NT
>Anybody used or know of any that I can download for these lamers who
>don't use TCP/IP and just a crappy text terminal access?

It's not entirely clear from your message whether you want to do
zmodem over TCP/IP or just zmodem over serial. 

For zmodem over serial back in the BBS days everybody had a copy of
DSZ.EXE or DSZ.COM (same file actually!) which could be called with
command line parameters in a batch file to do various things and using
different protocols even.

For zmodem over TCP/IP you're best bet would be to try compiling sz
and rz for Windows or even plain DOS. If they use STDIN/STDOUT you're
home free.

Unless you mean a text mode comms package? Try TELIX or QMODEM or
heaven forbid XTALK. 

All of these ancient DOS tools should be on a Simtel archive somewhere
about the place. If you have difficulty tracking them down let me

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