Matt Allen wrote:

> I know exactly what happened but I dont think im at liberty to say.
> If you knew the chain of events you would switch over to "awww shit. that sucks
> and is bad luck" mode, i know i did.

Interesting. I'm skeptical, but perhaps you can answer this: were the
simultaneous aspects of the failure itself (I'm assuming from your
wording that there was a multiple/compound failure) in any way
inter-related? For example were they:

- Dependent on the same power grid?
- Dependent on the same supplier of some service?
- Located in the same city?
- Administered by the same employee?
- Attached to parts of Telstra's network that were incapable of seperate
- Dependent upon a common internal service (directory, authentication,
etc.) that is provided non-redundantly?
- Dependent on the same connection to other ISPs, or associated
- Located on the same network segment, or associated equipment?
- etc.

This list looks to me like a pretty minimal set of areas for isolation
of redundant services for any ISP that occupies premises in more than
one city (although smaller ISPs may of course be unable to meet the
multiple ISP and multiple admin items).

> They *are* working on the issues

No doubt!

> and its funny to see everyones point of view
> (and its fine to have one) even when clutching at straws for the correct info.

Organisations frequently hide details of their problems for fear of
looking ridiculous. Often this act has the reverse effect to that
intended. (I'm not suggesting that you personally are responsible for
this, obviously.)

- Raz

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