> Raph went through the code later on, and found the obvious cut'n'pastes.
> So he says, libjpeg is not something you'd ever rewrite.

In this particular case, obviously he was wrong. (And he was
certain to be wrong with libjpeg :)

However, I don't think there is a hard and fast rule wrt code

It seems to me that libraries / code get features added, which
may not be the features you need. To put this another way, often
two features are taken away : small size and fast speed.
(This is not true of libjpeg).

It's a trade off between feature sets and these two
desirable assets.

Sometimes code requires that you 'enter my world'. As in, this
nice capability requires that the following parts are also
made available. Ever downloaded a nice sounding Perl module to
find it requires three other modules? Or a library or application
that requires you install X, Y and Z?

Of itself, this may not be a bad thing. Sometimes these extra things
are needed, and they are provided in a convenient and compatible

Sometimes they are somewhat thoughtlessly thrown in : accept my
world. I find Java a bit that way. Yet, once you accept the basic
premise, it becomes the `true way' :) (Please don't flame me for
my Java prejudices. I'm biased against all programming languages,
except the one true one, of course).

Give you a practical example. Jeff mentioned a Linux VCR. Now suppose you
wanted to build one, for a display target you have a choice of: raw frame
buffer, X and other. Amongst other, I would include SDL, which is a sort
of thin layer game API

   SDL is a library that allows you portable low level access to a video
   framebuffer, audio output, mouse, and keyboard. With SDL, it is easy
   to write portable games)

Now, all of these are right, depending on circumstances.

If you wanted to just add VCR capability to a normal workstation,
probably X or SDL. If you wanted a stand-alone device that
could be built as cheaply as possible, then framebuffer or SDL.

> It takes less time to search for something that does what you require
> than it does to develop it from scratch. Of course, I say this whilst
> having an annoying time finding something appropriate for the SLUG
> site. "From scratch" has crossed my mind a number of times.

>From scratch is often a very correct answer. Even when you have
something working, you often intuitively suspect there's a better
way. Perl 6, we are told, will be re-written from scratch.

To me, this does not indicate a weakness in Perl. This indicates a great
strength and confidence. It means that the people building Perl
have great faith in their abilities, in the way they work together, and
an unstoppable optimism.

They believe in their process, which is really what software is about.

Software is soft-ware, it is deliberately changeable. We do
things in software rather than hardware because we like to tinker,
to change, to find a better way. Hardware is fixed, immutable.

Of course, not all software is changeable. Some software, issued
by centralised despotic organisations, has all the hallmarks
of an unyielding, grey totalitarian frame of mind.

Free thinking, fun seeking individuals reject this prescription.
Those of us who revel in our freedom have adopted a modern, post
serf existence. We accept the rights, responsibilities and freedoms
offered to the free software emancipist.

We participate in the process, we respect the creators of software,
we help our fellow citizens in this new cyber land of freedom. We
jealously strive to protect our freedom, knowing how hard
won it was, how fragile it can be.

And so we tinker, we throw away, we re-use. Sure we squabble,
we disagree, we come back shame faced 'perhaps you were right,
my hubris'.

So from scratch, re-use, all part of the endless process.
The process almost redefines us, the collaboration seemingly
creating a new organism.

Now good night, and dream of a new tomorrow.


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