Ken Yap wrote:
> Yes, if you don't have another 5.25" drive you'd have to move them
> around this way.  I have quite a few working drives if you want one.

Love one. Drop me an email about prices etc. (Does nobody but me feel a
certain thrill about the possibilities of a 5.25" drive in your Linux
box? Run early Sierra games with Sarien. Have contact with those files
you gave up for lost ten years ago. Generally freak people out with
those huge floppies that actually were floppy. OK, I'll shut up, you've
all probably got 12" drives hooked up or something :-)

> Are you serious about running Quake on a 0.1 bogomips machine?  :-)

Absolutely!! But are you serious about using bogomips to judge a
machines power? ;-) You've never heard of ttyquake I see
<>. Everybody should read this
page, it's a laugh even if you're not crazy enough to try playing it.
Unfortunately, I was... To quote from the web page 'This is quite
possibly the most inherently wrong thing in the world today'.

> You
> can also netboot ELKS, btw, there is a makefile entry for it.

Do you have any more details about how to do this? Do you mean the ELKS
makefile? I skimmed through that pretty quickly...

> Another possibility is to upgrade the XT board to an AT or 386, then you
> can hook a 1,44 MB floppy to it. I also have lots of AT and 386 boards.

Tempting - though reluctant to give up the ability to say I use an XT,
huh - sucks to that, you AT using 1u53r5! ;-) I imagine this would
involve a fairly major upgrade of the machine though? As in, need a new
processor etc? Though I could be completely wrong. Definitely be
interested in seeing what you've got though. I may buy the lot, just to
have a pile of interesting looking boards. :-)

> If you want to turn the XT into a permanent VT100 terminal, I have a
> ROMable program that will do that if you have spare ROM slots on your
> board, see

Will check it out tomorrow. Going to bed now.

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