> As for ISDN being easier - the investment in TE is probably equal to
> dialups, byt tyhe provision for abuse in downloading is _much_ higher,
> given that ISDN connections are usually permanent, and dialups can be
> dropped off if they're abusing.

Most ISP's nowadays use the same gear for their normal dialups as well as
their ISDN connections - in fact - if they support 56k - they most
definitely already have the gear for supporting isdn.

The term "permanent" with respects to isdn - is not really correct - it's
always semi-perm - due to the nature of isdn - i.e. a call must be made -
i.e. it's not "hardwired" like services such as DDS Fastway or a Megalink
for example. 

Hence, the procedure for disconnecting an isdn call is exactly the same as
for bumping a normal dialin user. 

(btw - I'm talking about modern integrated access platforms like cisco
5260's, Ericsson Tigri etc etc.. not the old fashioned, grab a TA220 and
stick it into a 2501 method - but even so, the above still applies :)


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