I'm trying to help some people in a little free software company fix
up their website. The site is at:
;-) If you're reading this today [Thu Aug 24 2000] and you're on a
Linux box and use a graphical browser, could you please try to load
that site and mail me privately!!! answers to the following:
1. Are most of the fonts on that page incredibly small? [YES/NO]
2. What browser are you using?
3. Are you using the default font settings in your browser? [YES/NO]
They claim to be trying to isolate the problem themselves also, but
I get the feeling their web department is full of macs and windows
boxes. I wouldn't normally go this far to help but much of the rest
of the company seems to *get it*, and the site has some good content.
As a bonus bit of relevence for reading this far, I give you this
very useful link [from lwn.net some time last month ;)]:
Fighting Font Frustration
[which indicates the problem is a general netscape thing, this is
about tracking down how widespread it is.]
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